Saturday, October 25, 2008

Economic Crisis to bring about Socialism

This whole economic crisis has brought about so many crazy and radical ideas through the political elite it's crazy. It started out with bailouts of major U.S. banks before the stock market fell. Henry Paulson said that we needed to bailout the banks and Wall Street at the cost of $700 Billion dollars, and to have NO oversight or judicial review (???).

That's more money than the entire Iraq War, and they have begun to buy into banks to "recapitalize" the banks, which is just fancy wording for Nationalization of Banks. As if that wasn't bad enough, they are planning on nationalizing insurance companies, and everyone knows how if the democrats get a strong hold in the senate, the house, and the white house, we may just have completely nationalized healthcare as well. You tell me how this isn't socialist, because, frankly that's socialism at it's best.

In addition, Nicolas Sarkozy of France is calling for a single global currency, and considering how countries work, it would not be backed. A global fiat system would be not only inconceivable, but tyrannical. If you thought the British Kingdom was bad, this global network will be way worse, it will make King George look like a peacekeeper. If there is a credible U.N., which is what a global currency is a huge step towards, then you tell me..

If America, the greatest nation in the world, can be corrupted and full of deceit, what happens if this global government is corrupted and people attain absolute power in a global network. You tell me how international sovereignty is a good idea. I can't stock it, just like I can't stomach being a Republican anymore.

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