Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Article I - Section 8: Powers of Congress

To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;

It is something that shouldn't have been worked into the United States. It is something of the most evil that has gone through Capital Hill. 1913 the Income Tax was passed and in 1913(silly congress!) the Federal Reserve was created. These are two of the most Socialist and vile ideas to be conceived by a government. This is where destruction starts in a long, painful destruction.

It is a hard thing to wake up to, it is something not only my parents generation grew up learning and knowing of, but my grandparent's as well. There are two things that need to be done before our country crumbles to the might of inflation, wasteful spending and destruction of liberty. One is to fix our foreign policy, one that people are finding hard to even take seriously. Many people think that by being Iraq we are truly fighting terrorism, when in reality, it is only giving them an easier target while they find another easy breach into our National Security.

The other is the abolition of the Federal Reserve. The Fed was instrumental in creating money to allow us to enter World War I, that laid the seeds for not only the Holocaust, but the worst War in modern history, the devastation of extreme Nationalism. This is the single entity that answers to no one, and liquidates currency that weakens the US Dollar, and has also become the currency of the World. It has completely replaced gold as the base currency, and the dollar is facing a likely and potential collapse.

We must end these pointless and deadly wars and abolish the Fed!

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