Sunday, April 26, 2009

Why the Pledge of Allegiance is Wrong

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands: one Nation under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all.

This is an interesting allegiance that one would pledge to their country. Especially considering it is incorrect! This is a case, that it would be made our 'National' pledge of allegiance. The first sentence is quite correct, " I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands" and I have no real concern or dismay with that, although I would rather pledge allegiance to the State of Texas and it's obligation of cooperating with the Union as it is a member State of the United States.

However, "one Nation under God", is very incorrect. We are not, and never have been a nation. There was a passage of a constitution that went into effect in 1781 and it was called the Articles of Confederation. Later, in a convention in Philadelphia in 1787, a constitution was proprosed and would be debated and argued over for quite some time. By the year 1789 it would finally pass and by 1790 all thirteen States would enter this Union. However if we read the preamble of the Constitution it says:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

We the people of the United States, it is not States United, the people of America, etc. It is a set of States that have agreed upon a Union. That is a farcry from a nation. During the convention in 1787, there was a small group of people from the northern larger states that wanted a monarchy to placed in as government, which would mean that there would be united Nation in America. However, the other two groups, one smaller representing the smaller states with a desire for a Republic with just a Senate, and another much larger group with a median of the two views. These last two groups however, only wanted a Union which we had under the Articles of Confederation.

Also, each State ratified the Constitution themselves, and it took a majority of nine of thirteen States to ratify. Therefore, this is definitely a Federal Union and not a Nation.

Another part of the pledge says we are "indivisible". However, as I just explained, each State is sovereign and ratified and joined the Union at their will in its conception. With Jefferson and Madison's theory of Nullification it re-instutited the theory that the Federal Government was a creation of the State's and should stay that way. Indivisible would mean Texas.. New Hampishire.. New Mexico... Arizona are not sovereign but are a region of the Nation. Which is not true, each State has representation in the Senate and has demographical representation in the House. We are the people of the United States not the people of America.

Secession is legal.. we are not a Nation. We are a Confederate Republic, and it's about time to re-assert this principle and stop transforming our 'more perfect Union' into a complete monarchial society we see all over the world.

Besides.. it was a written by a Socialist..

Friday, April 24, 2009

Peter Schiff: TARP is a Waste!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Geraldo Rivera: Seccession is treason!

Geraldo, my fellow American, secession is not treason. Matter-of-fact, look up Aaron Burr who was even conspiring with a Spainish general to secede in the old West, and was not even convicted of treason.

Here is the tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America:

Amendment 10 - Powers of the States and People. Ratified 12/15/1791.

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

Now.. if you can find where in the Constiution it says that the Union cannot be dissolved or State's cannot leave, show me. If you can't, then State's have every right to secede.. and as Jefferson Davis said, it is one of those "inalienable rights".

Also, the United Colonies, which on July 4th, 1776 named themselves the United States of America, seceeded from Great Britian, were they treasonous? How about when the Republic of Texas seceeded from Mexico and won it's indepedance in the Texas Revolution? How about when countries seceeded from the USSR?

Every state has every right to secede, unless you have some invisible ink revealer that I might be able to use to find these texts that say State's may not secede. Also in the annexation of Texas, Texas wanted to make sure it could secede if the Federal government became overbearing.. as Sam Houston is known for saying that Texas will never know oppression.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

[T]axed [E]nough [A]lready!

April 15th, the dreaded Tax Day, was also a day full of TEA parties this year. Full of people fed up with big government, high taxes and corruption in Washington. The sad part about this is, it took this long to outrage people!

We had a revolution over 5-8% taxes and we have 12% - 40%+ income taxes today! We have a federal reserve printing money like it's a video game, causing a terrible boom-and-bust cycle that creates a bubble over and over again. However, there are three things that we should focus these protests on:

Taxes, Big Government and the Federal Reserve.

High Taxes

High taxes have come from originally high tarrifs, on exports and imports. During the ninetenth century the South and West, being the primary exporters of the USA, were the biggest effected by these tarrifs, and usually the North used the collected taxes more. So naturally, they wanted low tarrifs, and the North wanted high taxes.. this caused much disturbance in the Union and eventually led to the War for Southern Indepedance. Matter-of-fact, to prove my point that the war was over tarrifs and not slavery, go on read their constitution, sure it mentions slavery a little bit, but they knew it was on the decline, while protective tarrifs are clearly stated throughout! (

In 1913, these tarrif wars were soon to be ended. They said the Income Tax would not exceed 1% and that tarrifs would stay low. Ha! Is that a joke? Tarrifs are pretty high, and income tax reached the height of 90% during World War II! Also, to those who think Abraham Lincoln did have socialist tendenacies, he enacted the first income tax ever, and created a collector that would become the IRS.

Federal Reserve

Ah.. Jekyll Island.. international bankers... inflation! It's a beauty! Alexander Hamilton, for everything I dislike him for, knew one thing.. we need a National Bank not a international bank that the federal government does not control. Hamilton did have great character, even if his economic philosophy was deeply flawed. However, the Federal Reserve was not an amendment, and it transfered the power to coin currency from the House of Representatives to a private corporation with special priveleges. However, it was still limited in power by the Gold Standard.. however, as we know, the Federal Reserve will destroy any limit it has.

June 1971, Richard Nixon announced we would go away from the Gold Standard and just like the dismantling of the Second National Bank of the United States of America, inflation and economic panic ensued!

Big Government

Both of these two things lead to Big Government. Big Government is controlled by a secret group, in this case the Federal Reserve, suppresses the people through taxes (Income Tax, Inflation) and wages wars. Now.. we are in over one hundred countries, we give everyone our weapons technology just so we can make better stuff! Then we occupy countries when we are trying to destroy Al-Qaeda, wow what a good idea! Remember Jefferson fought terror, but he never occupied Tripoli or Morrocco now did he! Afghanistan, Iraq, Columbia, Korea.. come on! Wake up! These wars are full of crap!

And, of course Support H.R. 1207!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Obama: The New FDR

FDR ran on small government, cutting spending, cutting debt and getting away from socialism. Obama has denied being socialist, and said Bush started "socialistic" policies in the New York Times. Obama says that the Republicans gave him huge debt and big deficits. In October, we had a stock market crash.. since November 2007, the Stock Market has tumbled from as high as the 14000s to as low as the 6000s.

We are not in for a short recession, and if we are, we are postponing the wound to it's true effect. This may bleed, but what will happen when the infections reaches its endgame? Is the endgame in 2009, 2010 or five years from now? It doesn't matter much when it happens, but there is no denying it will happen.

Obama threatened the economy would blow up if we didnt get a stimulus and that our government would collapse without a big government spending bill. Now he wants a 3.5 trillion (for now) budget. Hoover spent and taxed like crazy, but he failed in comparison to FDR's radical policies. Bush bailed out banks and gave aide to the Automobile companies, however Obama is taking over both, and his Treasury Secretary, Tim Geithner, is asking for fascist controls over any and all big corporations in America.

This correction is coming, of that I believe is true, I just hope that America's freedom and will can survive the beating..

For the Great Myths of the Great Depression by Lawrence Reed: