Tuesday, February 17, 2009

War on National Security

We have been told that this is a War on Terrorism, however just as the War on Drugs and Poverty went, so has this war. Terrorism has not decreased, but increased! American security has been reduced and oil prices have risen! Coincidence? I think not.

In 1996, Bin Laden declared war on America. Not Western Culture, not freedom, not liberty, just America. Five years later, we all know what happened on September 11th, and the attacks were rightfully blamed on al-Qaeda and the invasion of Afghanistan was rightfully chosen. An occupation is a different story, declaring a war on a idea..

Michael Scheuer, former Head of the Bin Laden division in the CIA, has exploited reasons to what Bin Laden wanted and what our government wants. Bin Laden focused his efforts on Russia and America, as the prime prevention from their desire to rid of Islam Oppressors. Russia fell in 1987, and since then, America has been their main focus, but not because they are the "most free country", but because they support Saudi Arabia, Israel, Egypt and Sudan. All of these, the Radical Muslims have hate for, as they are considered Resistant Fighters by the CIA, and not anarchist or religious terrorists.

It is also said that in the late 90s the same people who sent our troops to Iraq to invade it. George Tenet, former head of the CIA, has also claimed this. Why would America support the Saudis, Egptians and Sudanese? To promote Democracy as our government has said, right? They are all oppressive governments that hold one commodity that we need, oil. We have been promised independent energy since the 1970s, yet to this day, we are not any further towards an efficient self-reliant energy source.

Considering a dozen radical muslims enter the country every month, which would be approx. one-hundred a year.. can you really say the nation is more secure? More terrorists attacks on our military overseas, they claim things are getting better in Iraq, but that's not the real issue, they still have a safe haven in Iraq, they have them in Afghanistan and they have now been officially granted some in Pakistan, which they've had since the beginning.

This war is nothing more than a joke, and our government isn't looking out for us, they are looking at their pocketbooks, and the corruption is seeping destruction.

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