Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Federal Reserve At It Again

Fannie and Freddie was just the beginning it seems... AIG was on a $85 Billion bailout. Not only that but congressmen all over the states, republican and democrat alike, are in disbelief at what is happening with the Fed. It is just getting unbelievable at the power the Federal Reserve resides.

No one is taking the blame, everyone is blaming eachother and the Federal Reserve is doing as they wish no key balance, no way to say no. The Federal Reserve has no one to answer to than themselves, they are the kings of this falling economy. The dollar after gaining more ground in one month than in over two years is plumetting back into the darkness.

I knew this wouldn't last, it's just a matter of time before our economy collapses in on itself, and these recent "bailouts" are getting insane. Will the government pay off our credit card debts? Will the government pay our rent, how about the electric bills we can't afford? Why do corporations get this benefit, but not the people who pay the government, who make the government work?

Who serves who here? We are a REPUBLIC, not a dictatorship. This isn't the Soviet Union, this is supposed to be the land of true competitive capitalism and a true republic. It sure doesn't seem that way anymore, and it seems that it's a great time to say that like Rome.. Washington is burning.

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