Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Constitutional Party

The Constitutional Party is running their candidate Chuck Baldwin for President in 2008. Until today, I supported this candidate and even had a blog page in support of him.

However, as I continued to research the party from advice on youtube, I discovered hidden goals that the consitutional party does not include on Mr. Baldwin's website.

These include:
Federal Bans on Pornography - Why? Only child porn should have laws, pornography is perfectly legal and I see no reason why it should not be legal.

Federal Bans on Abortion - Why? You are not Ron Paul, you support a christian zealotry nonsense as this? It says so in the CONSTITUTION that any power not given to the Federal Gov't is to the states, and this is not one of those powers they gave you.

Federal Ban on Gambling - Yeah.. you know that thing Ron Paul and conservatives have been fighting to destroy, this party and Chuck Baldwin support it. Why? How is it the governments right to control gambling, especially on the internet.

Banning of Same-sex Marriage - This is as well, unconstitutional, the Federal Government has no say in this, as says the Supremacy Clause, so he should not be able to do this, but as history has shown us, it happens. This is hardly constitutional.

There are other problems, such as military defense of the borders, and things Chuck Baldwin and his party should uphold if they want to be the Constitutional Party rather than the WWJD Party.

He is not worth my vote, and shouldn't be worth yours. He's a pastor who can't let his religious views get away from him even with his politics for America.

If you would like to view these, check out their website:

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