Friday, February 19, 2010

Chris Matthews: Debra Medina is Racist

Yeah, alright. She's racist because she thinks we should use interposition and nullification. He goes and names off a big nullification user John C. Calhoun who is a hero in American history (Yeah, he was pro-slavery, but that is a discussion for another day). He also claims that using nullification is anti-American and does not abide by the constitution.

Does he know what nullification is? Nullification is the ESSENCE of America, it is the essence of decentralization, which is what this country was born on. In 1798 James Madison and Thomas Jefferson (who both opposed the institution of slavery) invented the idea of nullification to fight against the Alien and Sedition Acts during the John Adams administration. Also, when the Fugitive Slave Acts were passed Wisconsin and Massachusetts used nullification to not abide these federal mandates. Is that racist or anti-American?

Even if we count the so-called Civil War, that is inherently racist, then maybe we are wrong there as well. Traditional and real abolitionist did not agree with a war to end slavery, and wanted the South to leave and do what they will. The CSA was not founded on slavery, but decentralization and State's Rights, slavery was a big issue of that time, however it was not the complete issue there.

Alexander Stephens, VP of the CSA, was completely critically of Jefferson Davis due to his centralization of the CSA government and States, and is what the whole independent movement was about. He wasn't angry that blacks were fighting in the military, but that we were forcing citizens to be conscripted and abusing federal power.

Chris Matthews should look into what nullification and interposition are, and look at how nullification has been used far more for anti-slavery than for slavery. Debra Medina is hardly a racist person, and this is just another political attack that is completely fantasy.

Also: I would like to note when he says it is against the Constitution to do this, nullification is the act of not doing something because it violates the Constitution. Jefferson and Madison were strict constitutionalist, and so I wonder if Matthews thinks they didn't abide by it..?

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