Sunday, March 1, 2009

The Fascist Revolution

In Washington we have the anarchist who destroy the government and then rebuild it themselves as a tyranny. However, in this case, it is simply they have economist who are their personal advisors who give them advice and say what is right and what isn't. This advice has led us to where we are now, this advice has been wrong and this advice is what will deepen our future.

You can go back to the 70s to hear Ron Paul warning of hyperinflation and bubbles, you can hear Peter Schiff calling this recession, what is growing into a depression (projected to be 2 consecutive -4% growth quarters), in 2006. Jim Rogers has said as Fed Chairman he would abolish the Federal Reserve and resign. (Although, I think there is better ways of combating it, such as competitive currency and tender)

Austrian economist saw this crisis coming from no where, because the government won't even acknowledge that Peter Schiff, Ron Paul and others like them have predicted these very things. Ludwig von Mises warned of all these symptoms and problems that will not only destroy an economy but destroy the freedoms thereof.

It has come to the case and point, these anarchist are now telling us they have the solution, and it is more of what we had, but on a larger scale. In the beginning it was Jeffersonians (Strict Constitutionalists) pitted against the Hamiltonians (Loose Constitutionalists), and Jefferson won! That was then, this is now. Since Abraham Lincoln's infallible presidency, where have we gone? Since FDR's New Deal and greatness what has happened? The Federal Government has outreached, we have become a welfare state, and we are not just on the brink of socialism, but to an even more extreme, people are scared of communism, but it is a different breed of socialism.

What we have brooding is corporate fascism. I'm not scared to admit it, not anymore. This is where we are headed, and we know just how well it worked in Italy and Germany. There are other players here though, that weren't then. African Union, European Union are alive and well. North American Union and Asian Union are being speculated.. how far will it go, will fascism encompass the globe like it is streching into the America? Will social and economic freedom be eliminated like it was across Christendom?

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