Monday, March 16, 2009

Islamic Republic of Iran: Are They Even A Threat?

First of all, they do have democratic elections, and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was democratically elected. So, whatever we did through force of arms, or whatever Israel did through force of arms, etc. would do little to change what is Iran today. All that would happen is there would be a Pro-Israel or Pro-American, or at least Pro-West dictator put in place who would then probably get overthrown and a more radical form of Islam would be in place than there is already.

Iran is probably one of the better Middle East Arab countries, as well. First, they are already in a democracy, albeit a far from perfect one, but one none-the-less. They are much farther than American ally Saudi Arabia (which is a hotbed for young radical islamic terrorists, by the way).

People say it's dangerous if Iran gets a nuclear weapon, and it would destroy world peace. First of all, Iran has never broken the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty once. That's right, never. Second of all, Pakistan, who harbors terrorists like Al Qaeda, as once notorious Taliban did in Afghanistan.. has nuclear bombs and we don't think it's dangerous at all. North Korea, who hates the United States and vice versa, has nuclear weapons as well, yet all we do is ask them to put the arms down.

Iran alleged supports non-State terrorist groups (which I agree they sponsor), and has never once broken the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and has only been seen by the U.N. and NATO to be pursuing Nuclear energy for civilian purposes. They have no military, they are peaceful with almost everyone except America and her allies. Why should Iran be, when Iran is labeled as an Axis of Evil, terrorist country that if given Nuclear weapons would attack Israel (as if that is realistic) or give them to non-State terrorist groups which would not be in the interest of Iran.

All an invasion of Iran would do, as it did in 1953, is increase hatred towards America around the world, make our country less safe, and help the 'neo-conservatives' and internationalists agenda come to life. Iran has a right to nuclear power as much does America, France Israel, Britain, Russia, Pakistan, India, North Korea.. do I need to go on? This is retarded! Iran is not a threat!

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